Your Home

As we get older, staying independent in our home becomes even more important.

Sometimes we may need help and support to keep on living at home safely.

You can find advice and services that will help you to stay safe and independent at home for as long as possible.

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels deliver hot, nutritious meals to residents and cater for a variety of diets and conditions.

They provide a welcome and familiar face, and in some cases offer clients a lifeline to the outside world.

Meals on Wheels


Telecare Cardiff help vulnerable, disabled and elderly residents to live independently in their own homes.

When you become a Cardiff Telecare customer, you will be given a pendant alarm and response unit which you can use to contact us if you find yourself in difficulty. The Telecare alarm service makes sure you have someone to call for help.

Recycling and waste

If you need help putting your recycling and waste out to be collected, you can contact us to ask for help to put out your bags and bins.
The council also offer hygiene collections if you cannot fit your hygiene waste (for example incontinence waste) into your black bin or black bag allowance for a fortnightly collection.

To apply for a recorded collection service or to ask about hygiene collections please ring C2C on 029 2087 2087.

Find your local stockist for green recycling bags and food caddy bags.

Council tax enquiries

You can get help with council tax enquiries from certain hubs and libraries, such as:

  • setting up or changing a direct debit,
  • changing your address, and
  • finding out what discounts you could get

Find out what Hubs can help you with council tax enquiries.

Housing Enquiries

Housing enquiries

You can find housing information at Hubs and libraries.

Housing benefit

If you want to apply or find out about housing benefit, you can do this at certain hubs.

Find hubs that offer housing benefit information.

Housing waiting list applications and enquiries

If you want to apply for the housing waiting list, or find out the waiting times, you can do this at certain hubs.

Find hubs that offer housing waiting list information.

Senior man relaxing

Independent Living Services

Independent Living Services can help you access a wide range of support to live as independently as possible.

They can give you help and advice on benefits to make the most of your income. They can also help you reduce your outgoings by providing advice on how to make your home more energy-efficient and tell you about any grants or discounts you may be entitled to.

Help with your garden

Are you struggling with an overgrown garden or unwanted garden waste?

The Local Team is here to help – they are a Cardiff Council community-based team dedicated to improving outdoor spaces across Cardiff. They can offer a one-off visit to help residents clear their gardens of overgrown vegetation and unwanted waste, which can be a huge task, especially for those who live alone or may have reduced mobility.

For further information, or to check if the Local Team can help with clearing up your garden, please contact them on 02920 872 787 or email

A woman helping a man with a walking stick in the garden.
man in kitchen

Care and Repair

Care and Repair Cardiff’s mission is to support older people to repair, adapt and maintain their homes. They aim to ensure that all older people can live in safe, secure, warm and comfortable homes which suits them and their lives, and maximises their independence. Care and Repair provide a number of services that support and help older people to complete repairs, improvements and adaptations to their homes, through the provision of expert advice, support and practical assistance.

Managing Better is a free home visiting service offering advice and practical help for people over the age of 50 who have hearing loss, sight loss, dementia, or have had a stroke. Dedicated caseworkers will visit people at home and offer useful information, practical help and even home adaptations to enable people to live as independently as possible.

For further information about Care and Repair or to access the Managing Better service, phone 029 2047 3337 or email

A man and a woman looking at a mobile phone screen and a laptop.


Cardiff Council have launched an online guided self-help tool called AskSARA to help people who may need support in carrying out day to day activities.

AskSARA has been designed to complement Independent Living Services, it provides an additional avenue for information and advice that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The service can be used by citizens, families, carers and staff to help themselves and others live independently in their own homes.

Fire Service home safety checks

The South Wales Fire and Rescue Service is committed to protecting the community and reducing deaths and injuries from fires and other emergency situations.

You can complete an assessment of fire safety arrangements within your home. This is completed online and covers a variety of safety and health elements including, smoke alarms, cooking, smoking and electrics.

The South Wales Fire and Rescue Service offer the opportunity to have a free Home Safety visit in your home.

Addison House

Older Persons Housing Strategy

Cardiff’s Older Person Housing Strategy sets out an ambitious vision to deliver the best housing outcomes for all older people in Cardiff.
There has been clear progress on the ongoing housing schemes during the last year including Care Ready housing which aims to future proof homes to allow for the expansion or introduction of care.

Housing schemes

You can find out more about these housing schemes for older people in Cardiff:

The Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) Principles

The HAPPI principles are based on 10 key design criteria. They are important to older persons’ housing which needs to both an attractive alternative to the family home and be able to adapt over time to meet changing needs. They reflect:

  • Space and flexibility
  • Daylight in the home and in shared spaces
  • Balconies and outdoor space
  • Adaptability and ‘care ready’ design
  • Positive use of circulation space
  • Shared facilities and ‘hubs’
  • Plants, trees, and the natural environment
  • Energy efficiency and sustainable design
  • Storage for belongings and bicycles
  • External shared surfaces and ‘home zones’