Cardiff – Working towards an Age Friendly City

Committed to making our city a better place for older people to live and thrive in.

Age Friendly Cardiff

Making Cardiff an Age Friendly Community

We want to make it easier for older adults to find what they need to live independently and stay engaged in their communities. This website offers a central location for information about local services, activities and support that can help older people in Cardiff to live well.

Your health

Find information on keeping fit and healthy.

Your city

Find out about green spaces, public transport, events and services.

Your home

Access services and support to help you live independently at home.

Share your views

Find out how you can share your views on Cardiff Council’s Budget Consultation 2025 to 2026

Share your views

Find out how you can have your voice heard on a wide range of policies, plans and proposals affecting the city.

Working in partnership for an Age Friendly city

Smiling woman

Get in touch

You can email us or fill in the contact form. Alternatively, you can ring us on 029 2087 2616.